Fake News: Separating Truth from Fiction


Useful and necessary guide to sorting through what’s real and what isn’t!
Thanks to Lerner Publishing Group and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review Fake News: Separating Truth From Fiction by Michael Miller!
This helpful guide to fake news and what to watch out for covers the basics and more! Explanations and descriptions of real news and fake news help us to see that fictional information can be harmful and how to tell what’s real from what isn’t real. Fake news isn’t a new idea created from social media; it dates back to Ancient Rome. Propaganda is a way to spread false information and fake news and it was well used by Hitler during World War II. To keep your intake of information on the real side, there are certain things you can watch out for, such as exaggerated claims, misspellings in URLs and only using a single source for information. Snopes is a great site for checking questionable news posts and PolitiFact is available to check political news for truthfulness. Everyone can help the spread of fake news by checking for reliability and trustworthiness of posts before sharing. 5 stars for this beneficial guide to fake news!

Losing the Girl by Marinaomi


Thanks to NetGalley and Lerner Publishing Group for the opportunity to read and review Losing the Girl by MariNaomi. The illustrations are emotionally accurate even though they are minimally drawn. The story tells us about four teenagers and their relationships and the twists and surprises that life can bring. Not really my type of story but 3 stars for material that’s relatable and relevant to its teen audience.


How To Make A Rainbow by Laura Purdie Salas


Thanks for the opportunity to read and review How to Make a Rainbow by Laura Purdie Salas, a Crayola Color Story dedicated to readers and young scientists everywhere. Photography highlighting the different colors in nature beautifully makes this colorful book charming. The photographs also inspire young minds to explore the world around them and discover the colors of the rainbow on their own. Art project, glossary and resource list included at the back of the book. 5 colorful stars!

Underneath It All by Amber J. Keyser


Thanks to NetGalley and Lerner Publishing Group for the opportunity to read and review Underneath It All by Amber J. Keyser. The target audience is ages 13-18, grades 9-12. The introduction, Beyond Frippery and Lace, shares a quick history of women’s undergarments and a picture of Madonna in her infamous cone bra. A touching personal story from Jae West about self-acceptance is also shared bolstering self-esteem. Underwear isn’t just a covering, it also speaks of “gender, sexuality, politics and body image. An organization helping girls and women in poor countries makes and donates free reusable sanitary kits. The website is DaysForGirls.org and anyone can get involved, just check their website for information. Thinx, a new product is also explained. I’d never heard of this, but it’s innovative and impressive. Thinx is period-proof underwear! What a concept. The book continues on through the history of undergarments and highlights new and innovative underwear companies like Naja and Yellowberry. Underneath It All is interesting, informative and eye-opening and I learned a great deal more than I thought I would! 5 stars for this humorous, historical and educational look at the history of undergarments!