Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo

Impeccable character development!

Danger surrounds Zoya, Nikolai and 19yo Nina as they fight to make their own paths and live with what has been dealt to them. Zoya is trying to figure out her powers and her place next to Nikolai. Nikolai is determined to conquer his beast and help his kingdom with Zoya alongside him. Nina is working to free the pregnant, enslaved, and drugged young Grisha, stop the evil ruler of Fjerda and create a new life without Matthias. Will they be able to stop war between Fjerda and Ravka or will evil conquer all?
Likes/dislikes: I love the author’s writing. The character development is impeccable. I love the perseverance of the characters.
Language: R for 36 swears and no f-words.
Mature Content: PG-13 for passionate kissing.
Violence: PG-13 for bloody death.
Ethnicity: The ethnicity is mixed with the following: bronze skinned, tawny skinned, light brown skin, Zoya is Suli (similar to Indian) and Nikolai, Genya, and Nina are white.

King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo!

Nina, Zoya and Nikolai share the telling of this tale!

King Nikolai is fighting the monster within him that seems to be appearing more often while he’s asleep, and it’s causing greater harm and damage at an alarming rate. Zoya is helping Nikolai hide this problem by steadfastly standing by his side as Ravka’s Commander, chaining him to his bed at night and searching for him when he escapes. Nina is traveling to Fjerda to take Matthias to his final resting place and she’s with Adrik and Leoni. They find the perfect spot for Matthias and as she’s burying him, Nina hears cries for justice from the many dead and buried women nearby and what she finds rattles her to her core. Each group is heading into danger that’s beyond anything they’ve ever seen before and it’s going to take their knowledge, loyalty, and strength to overcome what lies ahead.
Likes/dislikes: I love the humor and banter from the characters. The mystery surrounding the strange occurrences throughout the kingdom was interesting to me. I enjoyed the vastness that the characters reached in their world.
Language: PG-13 for 26 swears and no f-words.
Mature Content: PG-13 for forced drug use on imprisoned young pregnant women.
Violence: PG for non bloody death (bone shard, birds pecking at chained bodies), mention of scalping.
Ethnicity: King Nikolai is white, Zoya, blue eyes and is of Suli descent which is similar to Indian,
and Nina is white. Leoni has dark brown skin and the twins have deep bronze skin.