Diary of an Oxygen Thief


Diary of an Oxygen Thief by Anonymous had a page posted on Facebook recently. This post caused interest in the book and so I purchased it to read and review. Disappointment abounded! Not only does it contain graphic, vulgar language but graphic sexual content also. Targeting young adults on Facebook created a young audience of interested readers, but the book is written with adults in mind as the audience. On top of all that, the writing isn’t very good and I was annoyed at the lack of editing. Maybe that was the point. Maybe this book is meant as a journal of sorts. Whatever the case may be, I will not read this again and will not be recommending it to my library students.

The Star-Touched Queen


Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the arc of The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi! The book begans with an Arabian feel and the main character, Maya, has been shunned her whole life because of her horoscope readings. The Raja (Maya’s father and father of many other daughters) has given her the choice of who she will marry. Of course, there is a catch. Maya learns who she can and cannot trust in a complicated twist of reality and the underworld, “Otherworld”.

The Star-Touched Queen is so much more than I thought it would be when I read the synopsis. The story is vast and covers many dimensions of the world’s mythology and time. Beautifully written! I recommend this book to anyone who loves mythology and fantasy, with a touch of romance.



Cuckoo Song


Cuckoo Song by Frances Hardinge looks like and gives off a horror vibe from the cover, the synopsis and the first part of the book. I wanted it to be a horror story, but alas, no. Cuckoo Song is a supernatural story that reminded me of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. The writing is well done, but I felt a little disappointed because Cuckoo Song isn’t what I thought it promised to be.

Triss had an accident and is having difficulty remembering much of anything. Her sister Penny seems to dislike her and doesn’t trust Triss either. Triss is actually a changeling and Penny wants to get her real sister back. They discover the world of the Besiders and work together to fix their family. The loyalty of family is a great message and for fans of Ransom Riggs, this should be a pleasing read.

True Born


Thanks to Entangled Teen and NetGalley for the arc of True Born by L.E. Sterling! True Born is the first in a new dystopian series involving twins, plague and plague resistance, elitism, fantasy, and a genetics mystery. This fun story livens up with Jared’s and Lucy’s interesting relationship and the mystery of the power that Lucy and her twin sister Margot hold. I wanted more but, alas, I will have to wait for the sequel!

Treasure Darkly


Treasure, Darkly by Jordan Elizabeth Mierek is steampunk mixed with a bit of the supernatural. Clark lives with his mother in a brothel. She has a job as a Tarnished Silver. Clark drinks poison, which inadvertently gives him strange powers that can take a life or give a life. Because of this power, Clark’s mother is killed while the army is actually hunting for him. Fast forward two years when Clark meets his “half siblings” and a whole new life is opened up for him. Clark is still running from the army, but his strange powers give him very helpful abilities. This book is charming and interesting and I fell in love with the characters Clark and Amethyst. This is a fun read with more books in the series!


True Born, Bk. 1 drops 3 May, 2016!

What encouraged me to write True Born?


The nuts and bolts answer would be to tell you that I never initially intended to write True Born as a novel! I initially only intended to write this as a novella – which I posted on the story-sharing site, Wattpad. It was intended to help me develop a substantial backstory to another trilogy of novels I wanted to write set in the same world, and with a couple of shared characters.


But the novella was a big hit with readers on Wattpad, and I enjoyed what I’d written so much, that I decided to turn the story into a novel… and then into a trilogy.


Another inspiration was my family. I’ve been quite obsessed by the incredible story of my great-grandmother, who was born in England and sent to the U.S. to be an indentured servant circa 1900. As the story goes, she was very young when she was shipped over, and I imagine the whole voyage was traumatic, because apparently my great-grandmother forgot who she was through the crossing.


When she finally arrived in the U.S. she gave everyone her twin’s name instead of her own. She ended up living her entire life, up until she was a middle-aged adult, by her twin’s name. It’s such a fascinating tale – I really wanted to explore the idea of having a bond with someone that was so close that it took over your own, so I explored this in a fictional world.




“Isn’t it a little weird that we have to do our tests again? Was there some kind of mistake with the first one?” Margot says it innocently enough, a slight twang to her voice to match the nurse’s rabble-like twang.


“Well, hon, sometimes they get mixed signals, you know? Like when you think a boy likes you but then he goes all hot and cold?” She winks. Margot’s fingers tighten on mine.


“Uh huh.” Margot nods. “So there’s a problem with your machines? Or with the staff?”


The nurse frowns. “Not this staff. They’re five-star amazing. Must have just been a bad sample or something. Try not to worry about it, sweetie.” She pats Margot’s arm just before she shoves the needle in my sister’s vein.


I squirm on my seat. The skin on my arm crawls from the sharp pain originating in my sister’s arm. Relaxed beside me, Margot doesn’t move a muscle. She knows what I’m feeling even if she can’t do anything about it. This is just how it is with us.


“How much are you going to take this time?” My voice shakes as our coltish nurse comes around to me and drives a needle into my arm. It doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as Margot’s did. Our hands stay folded together. There’s a note in our file about letting us. One of the perks of being born us.


“Oh.” For the first time she looks a little dismayed. “I’m sorry, hon. Didn’t they tell you? We gotta go through the whole protocol again. The whole shebang.”


My twin and I did know. We’d been told. Still, it bothers us. A full day’s worth of giving blood, going through tests, having your organs measured and documented. Urine

samples, more blood samples, hair samples. We’d already been through this two times in the last two months. We no longer believe they’d gotten “bad” samples—not that we’re

going to let on to the nurse.


And funny thing is, each time we come, the Protocols Nurse is new. This is the third we’ve had, each as clueless as the last.


We know better than to ask our parents. The deepening silence and constant rounds of testing and lies must mean the news is the worst. Late at night we lie together, holding hands and whispering under the deep canopy of one or other of our beds. We’ve thought about what it will mean if one of us turns out to be a Laster. We’ve talked until dawn about what we’d want, what we’d do. I tell Margot I’d want to go with her, but she’s against the idea.


“One of us needs to survive,” she said to me, her graygreen eyes as serious as I’ve ever seen them.


“What if it’s not that?” I asked her.


“What do you mean?”


“What if we’re, you know,” the words mere whispers, “True Born?”



The Glittering Court


Thanks to NetGalley and Razorbill for the sneak peek of The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead! What a great start to a new series! This sneak peek of an interesting world and dynamic characters feels like a more mature Princess Academy (Shannon Hale) and is similar to The Selection by Kiera Cass because of the competition and etiquette training. The sneak peek ends at an intense part and I definitely want to finish the book! Adelaide will soon be forced into an unwanted marriage. To avoid this, she takes the place of her house servant in attending The Glittering Court; a place that trains young women to be sold to the highest bidder. These young women are taught etiquette and dancing and given an education to prepare them for marriage to a man who is well off. Along the way, Adelaide learns some mysterious things about Cedric, the young man who set up the contract with her house servant.

The sneak peek was quite a chunk of the book, enough that I grew to care about the characters and now I am anticipating the release so I can read the rest!

I have now finished the entirety of The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead and I have to say that I have never read any of her other books to compare. The first part of the book is the etiquette and other lessons the young ladies participate in as members of the Glittering Court. Eventually they are all supposed to be sold to a well-to-do suitor. Along the way, Adelaide falls in love with Cedric and they leave their pampered lives for a chance to strike it rich as gold prospectors. This is such a huge change of lifestyle and I was not expecting the turn of events from fluffy dresses to sun-baked skin to fighting for their lives. Interesting story, but not what I expected for half of the book. I still think it is a good read though!

Love Me Never


Thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the arc of Love Me Never by Sara Wolf! Isis’ strong will, smarts and clever wit make this book hilarious and then there’s the serious side of the story dealing with abuse in many of its forms. Jack’s secret job, his personality that is so similar to Isis’ and the mystery surrounding his past kept my interest so well that I had a difficult time putting the book down when I had to. Love Me Never is a great book with many factors and the ending is so intense that I am having a hard time not jumping into the sequel!

Garden Revolution


Thanks to NetGalley and Timber Press for the arc of Garden Revolution by Larry Weaner! The Evolving Landscape: Creating Beautiful Gardens in Harmony with Nature focuses on natural landscapes in large areas, such as meadows. The book contains beautiful photographs, and tips for naturalization, weeding, soil, maintenance and the evolution of plant spaces. I do not have huge areas for gardening as in this book, but the tips are very helpful for any gardener.