The Naturally Clean Home by Karyn Siegel-Maier

This all-encompassing cleaning book guides cleaners through home, yard, and vehicle cleaning how-to’s, recipes and tips! Ways to rid your space of pesky insects are also included. A truly essential cleaning guide, 5 stars!

Year of No Clutter by Eve Schaub


I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of Year of No Clutter by Eve Schaub. Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the opportunity to read and review this book! Year of No Clutter is a woman’s memoir of her lifetime struggle with clutter and how she overcame it and dealt with the objects in her home. I’m immediately drawn in by the author’s sense of humor and I can also relate to the clutter problem. As we all know, clutter can just build and build! I worry that I’m a book hoarder, of course I am, and I’m determined to fix that title to home library owner and consolidate my book collection into a functional room. The quotes opening each chapter are charmingly appropriate and dead on with the content of each chapter. Many profound statements can be found throughout this book, but this one really stuck with me, “…I guess what we hoard says an awful lot about us and what we’re afraid of.” I love the idea of photographing children’s artwork and creating a book with the photos for each child. Great space saver with easy access to the artwork. I appreciate the helpful resources listed at the end of the book because sometimes the biggest hurdle in de-junking is what to do with the items you’re getting rid of. 5 stars for an inspiring, interesting and helpful book!