Never Never by Colleen Hoover

What would you do if you lost your memories every 48 hours?

Silas and 17yo Charlie have no memory of their lives. They become aware in class but don’t know who they are or who anyone else is. Charlie and Silas eventually talk and realize they’re both dealing with the same problem. They search and find some answers but within 48 hours, they’ve lost their memories again, which becomes a pattern. The two are desperate for answers and they won’t give up until they find them.

Likes/dislikes: I enjoyed the clever humor. The character development was strong. Silas and Charlie are interesting and complex characters.
Mature content: PG-13 for implied sex,
Language: R for 192 swears and no f-words.
Violence: PG-13 for bloody death.
Ethnicity: falls to white.

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